Amy H

Widnes, England

“If in doubt, check it again.”

Amy H

Specialist subjects:

Business & Management Counseling Creative Writing Dance Drama & Theater Fiction Marketing Music Social Media Social Work Sociology


BA in Social Work

Liverpool John Moores University


Favorite referencing style

APA is really clear and I like that!

Why I became an editor

I have loved reading since I was a child, and my father would take me to the local library for something new to read every week. My love for writing is something that I developed later in life. I love writing stories and developing characters. I wanted to take these two passions and incorporate them into my work. Proofreading is the perfect fit for me.

Background and experience

I have worked in many fields, including social care, legal services, the NHS, customer services, and managing a small business for over five years. I have dealt with all aspects of running a business, including social media and marketing. I have worked with clients closely in almost every job I’ve had. I’ve dealt with customers over the phone, face-to-face, and via email. All this experience means I have excellent customer service skills.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I love reading other people's work and getting to know their voice and style. As someone that enjoys creative writing, I get great satisfaction from ensuring that an author's work is polished. I also enjoy proofreading anything in the field of social work and business due to my experience. During my degree, I had to use Havard referencing, so I have the most experience with that style.

Amy H

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Favorite book:

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling is my favorite book.


When I'm not proofreading, I’m writing short stories, cooking, or watching a TV series or movie with my husband.

Editing tips:

I like to read the document aloud. I find that I pick up errors easier that way.

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