Serena C, Esq.

Columbus, Ohio, USA

“Typos create useless distractions.”

Serena C, Esq.

Specialist subjects:



Case Western Reserve University of Law


BA Political Science

The Ohio State University


Favorite referencing style

The APA and the Blue Book because they remind me of school days.

Why I became an editor

Raised by a novelist, I learned to enjoy the editing process at a young age. Later, my legal career provided me with many opportunities to scrutinize the written word.

A polished document makes a persuasive document. I enjoy helping others polish their work.

Background and experience

I have written briefs and motions for trial and appellate courts. Additionally, I have edited the briefs and motions of other lawyers. I have edited resumes and cover letters of many colleagues and friends.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I love seeing the document improve during the proofreading process. I enjoy how the ideas shine through on a well-polished paper.

Serena C, Esq.

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Favorite book:

The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. I read this book as a child. I learned that I enjoyed historical fiction.


When I am not proofreading, I like to hike, watch football, read, and play video and board games.

Editing tips:

Before I begin, I shut off any distractions.

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