Malgorzata M

England, United Kingdom

“All writing has an aim; proofreading ensures it is on target.”

Malgorzata M

Specialist subjects:

Art History Corporate Social Responsibility Education International Relations Politics Social Sciences Sociology TESOL Translation Studies Women's & Gender Studies


BA in Sociology

Hunter College


MA in Peace, Conflict and Development Studies

Universitat Jaume I


Favorite referencing style

I would have to say APA is my favourite referencing style simply because I have worked with it the most. However, I am happy to work in any style, as most have very clear guidelines.

Why I became an editor

My decision to become an editor has been shaped by my love for languages and the experiences it has afforded me. After studying sociology in New York, I returned to Poland and rediscovered the language and culture I left behind as a child. Whilst there, I taught English and then travelled to Mexico and Spain to pursue that career path and perfect my Spanish. Thanks to teaching at institutions such as the British Council, I gained invaluable experience in shaping the written work of my students.

Background and experience

For over a decade, I taught English as a foreign language in Poland, Mexico and Spain.

During my studies in Spain, I wrote numerous essays (in English and Spanish), followed by a thesis that, inevitably, required scrutiny and attention to detail.

Whilst in Spain, I worked for a think tank – the Institute of Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action – writing analyses of international conflicts and peacebuilding efforts. I also co-authored a book about Africa’s Sahel region, which offered me an in-depth view of the book writing process.

Why I love proofreading and editing

The process of proofreading ensures that the writer’s message is clear, the grammar is accurate and the writing is well-structured. The writer gains a finished product that is of the highest quality, and I have the advantage of learning something new whilst doing what I love: reading. It’s a win-win situation.

Malgorzata M

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Favorite book:

One of my favourite books is “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas.


I love the outdoors. I enjoy going out for walks in the woods or on the beach. I have two young boys who love bird-watching and identifying plants with me. To keep fit, I do quite a bit of yoga.

Editing tips:

Before I start proofreading, I like to have a quick read of the text to familiarise myself with the subject and voice. This also gives me a chance to see the structure and spot any recurring errors.

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