Andrew C


“Small words better express big ideas.”

Specialist subjects:

Creative Writing English Language & Literature Linguistics Psychology


BA English Studies

University of Strathclyde


MRes English Studies

University of Strathclyde


Favorite referencing style

I would have to say that APA is my favorite. Most of the research I read uses APA, so I am very familiar with it.

Why I became an editor

Throughout my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, I have had to support myself by working various retail jobs. My most recent job was at a British bakery chain, Greggs, that I began at the start of my Masters. I left a year later when I became dissatisfied with it. Instead, I wanted a job that involved a combination of my two favorite hobbies, reading and writing. However, no jobs of that type seemed to come up.

A year later, I came across Proofed when a friend recommended it to me. It seemed like the perfect job for me: the chance to work independently and engage with my hobbies in a meaningful way. I am now very happy to be working with Proofed.

Background and experience

I have previously proofread for academics and university students.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I take immense pleasure in perfecting the work of others. I also enjoy that it improves my own writing and proofreading skills. I particularly enjoy proofreading anything that is creative or in the fields of literature, linguistics, or psychology.

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Favorite book:

Ulysses by James Joyce. A very difficult text but filled with beauty and truth.


I like to read and write mostly. I also enjoy playing football and singing to “This Must Be the Place” by Talking Heads when I can.

Editing tips:

Before I begin proofreading, I like to get a sense of what the author is writing about by briefly reading what is given to me. While proofreading, I always remind myself that my goal is to preserve as much of the author's meaning as possible.

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