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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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5-minute read

Essay Tips: How to Paraphrase Effectively

Writing an essay or research paper is no simple task. It’s hard enough to gather...

2-minute read

13 Examples of Irregular Plurals

English is notorious for having many exceptions to its grammar rules. Changing nouns to their...

3-minute read

An Introduction to the Third Conditional

Conditional statements are used to imagine things that might happen or could have happened. There...

5-minute read

Top English Language Schools in the United States

The fastest and most effective way to learn a language is to do so in...

3-minute read

Literary Devices: Anapest vs. Dactyl

Anapests and dactyls are literary devices commonly used in poetry, limericks, and songs. In this...

3-minute read

Grammar Tips: Defining vs. Non-defining Clauses

What Are Clauses? At its most basic, a clause is a grammatical unit that contains...

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4-minute read

How to Handle Feedback on Creative Writing

As much as we can benefit from it, receiving feedback on our creative writing can...

4-minute read

Is QuillBot Premium Worth It?

While writing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it’s something that most professionals and students must...

5-minute read

How to Use Course Hero to Boost Your Grades

Earning a degree or diploma can be both a rewarding and stressful experience. Last minute...

8-minute read

A Beginner’s Guide to Kindle Direct Publishing

The traditional publishing industry is very competitive, so it can be difficult for new authors...

4-minute read

Pathos: A Guide to this Literary Device

Have you ever had your feelings and emotions influenced by a piece of writing? If...

6-minute read

How to Reference Artwork

In this article, you’ll learn how to reference artwork in the APA 7th, MLA, MHRA,...

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