Deborah E

Mississauga, Canada

“Your written words speak in your absence, so get them right!”

Deborah E

Specialist subjects:

Advertising Creative Writing Fashion Psychology Public Relations

Editing formats:


BA (Hons) in Psychology/Sociology

Queen's University, Kingston, Canada


Favorite referencing style

If I have to choose one, I would say APA is my favorite referencing style.

Why I became an editor

I have journeyed through several different chapters in my working life so far, with the latest one in retail sales. When the pandemic turned the world inside out, I looked online for ideas to reinvent myself, and I learned about proofreading. I used to be one of those unusual children who enjoyed spelling and grammar at school. I find myself now wanting to correct errors on grocery store signs, restaurant menus, and television commercials. I guess I was just a proofreader waiting to happen!

Background and experience

I have worked in various fields, including a promotion coordinator at a children's publisher (this involved creating and proofreading catalog copy), an assistant to real estate representatives, an acquisitions representative for a department store portrait studio, a chiropractic assistant, a retail salesperson, and a retail manager.

Why I love proofreading and editing

Proofreading is like solving a puzzle. It's great to take those problem pieces and get them to fit in smoothly, which allows the writing to speak well of the author.

Deborah E

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Favorite book:

The Adrian Mole books by Sue Townsend are my favorite books.


I love reading British police mysteries, making simple baked treats, and watching excellent British television!

Editing tips:

I was given some advice by a Knowadays tutor that made sense to me: make a number of passes through a document, looking for different potential problems each time.

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