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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

Use the search field to find a post on a specific topic or browse our recent posts below. And if there’s anything you’d like to see covered on our blog, let us know.


2-minute read

Idiom Tips: What Does “Hold Your Horses” Mean?

There are a lot of idioms in English, so when you’re learning English as a...

2-minute read

Spelling Tips: Ware or Wear?

Whether you’re learning English or are a native speaker, you’ll know that the English language...

3-minute read

How to Delete a Page in MS Word

If you’ve ever finished writing an essay only to realize there’s a blank page at...

4-minute read

How to Write in Plain English (With Examples)

Plain English refers to expressing your message to your intended audience clearly and concisely. This...

3-minute read

13 Synonyms for “Help”

“Help” is a common word, but it can be easy to overuse. If you’re not...

2-minute read

Spelling Tips: Practice or Practise?

If you’ve seen both “practice” and “practise” in English writing, you may have wondered what...

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2-minute read

How to Cite a Manual or Handbook in MLA Referencing

If your school or institution requires you to use the MLA style guide, it’s really...

3-minute read

Spelling Tips: Councillor vs. Councilor

The words “councillor” and “councilor” are not only pronounced the same and similarly spelled, they...

3-minute read

How to Insert a Tick or Cross Symbol in MS Word

Microsoft Word has lots of useful functions, but if you’ve ever needed to insert a...

2-minute read

Is the Letter “Z” Pronounced “Zee” or “Zed”?

When you’re learning English as a second language, you have a lot to contend with....

5-minute read

Back to College: 8 Writing Tips and Tools for Your Academic Year

It’s that exciting time of year again when students are heading back to school! Whether...

4-minute read

Pronoun–Antecedent Agreement – How Does it Work?

Sentences consist of different variations of the eight parts of speech, including pronouns and antecedents....

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