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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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3-minute read

APA Referencing: What You Need to Know

Although produced by the American Psychological Association, APA referencing is used to cite sources in...

3-minute read

How to Ask for an Awesome Letter of Recommendation

.A letter of recommendation is exactly what it sounds like: a letter from someone you...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Envelop vs. Envelope

Some words look or sound unhelpfully similar to others, which can be confusing if you...

3-minute read

Proofreading and Formatting: What’s the Difference?

At Proofed, we do everything we can to make sure your written work is error...

2-minute read

How to Set Line Spacing in Microsoft Word

In the old days, getting a document written up neatly involved having a medieval monk...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Elicit vs. Illicit

Some words sound so alike you’d struggle to hear the difference, even when they’re obviously...

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2-minute read

Spelling Tips: The “Y” to “I” Rule

When a word ends in a vowel plus “-y,” it’s usually easy to modify it...

2-minute read

How to Use Conjunctions: As Far As, Since, and Even Though

We use conjunctions (e.g., “and” or “but”) to build grammatical sentences, which in turn allows...

2-minute read

Comparison Words: Although, Whereas and Despite

Academic writing often involves comparing and contrasting arguments or opinions. There are many words you...

2-minute read

APA Referencing – How to Cite a Journal Article

The APA style guide (7th edition) is used by hundreds of journals, publishers, and academic...

2-minute read

Spring Break Y’all! (How to Break Spring on a Budget)


2-minute read

Word Choice: Deprecate vs. Depreciate

When something loses value, has it “deprecated” or “depreciated”? Many use these terms interchangeably, but...

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