- 2-minute read
- 21st January 2023
How to Cite an Appendix in Harvard Referencing
You’ve got your hands on some highly useful – yet non-essential – information that provides background information for your reader on the issue you’re writing about. You decide to include it as an appendix in your academic paper. Good move!
But how do you cite an appendix in your academic paper using Harvard referencing? Look no further! We’ve got you covered.
Original Work or Borrowed?
The first question to ask yourself is: who authored the supplementary information you’re offering as an appendix? Did you write it, or did someone else?
If the ideas and work in the appendix are your own, there’s no need to cite it. Instead, simply call attention to the appendix by signposting it in your text. Perhaps you’ve transcribed some interviews for an assignment. In this case, you might write:
You can help your readers to find additional information easily by assigning appendices letters (A) or numbers (1). It’s important to be consistent with this.
If you refer to someone else’s work in any part of the appendix, simply cite it as you normally would in the Harvard referencing style with an in-text citation corresponding to the entry in your references list.
Referencing an Appendix from Someone Else’s Work
If you stumble upon an already compiled appendix of useful information that you think would be perfect to highlight in your own work, by all means, do so. As long as you give credit where credit’s due, there’s no problem. Simply add the appendix information and page number to the in-text and reference citations as needed. For example:
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If you’re thinking about citing an appendix in a Harvard style paper, we hope this post helps you to:
● Call attention to an appendix.
● Cite the work of others within an appendix.
● Reference an appendix from another’s work.
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