Results for “grammar tips”

2-minute read
Should You Capitalize Months and Weekdays?
...proper nouns. You should never capitalize generic terms, such as “week” or “summer” – unless they begin sentences or appear in a title – because they are common nouns. Get Extra Help With Grammar If you need help with grammar and want a language expert to review your writing, our...

5-minute read
Proofreading or Editing? How to Pick the Best Service for Your Needs
...carefully examines syntax, grammar, clarity, and transitions at the sentence and paragraph levels. Proofreading Proofreading is the final stage of the writing process. It primarily involves checking for errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typos. A proofreader’s role is to ensure your document is free of mistakes, polishing it for...

3-minute read
Tips for Writing Your Dissertation’s Methodology Chapter
...step-by-step breakdown of every stage of your research, ideally so that subsequent researchers would be able to recreate your work at a later date. If that sounds like a lot of pressure, try not to worry: We have a few tips to help make sure that your work fits the...

3-minute read
6 Tips for Writing Your Dissertation Results and Findings
...As such, it is always a good idea to follow these helpful tips. Check with Your Advisor about How to Present Your Data Many schools will have a style guide covering what is expected from the results and findings chapter of your work. Ask your advisor if you don’t already...

3-minute read
5 Brilliant Motivation Tips to Help You Study
If you’ve searched for motivation tips on our blog, we’re guessing that of all the things you want to be doing right now, working isn’t one of them. Maybe you’ve trawled the internet’s extensive archive of motivation-themed gifs already, only to find yourself stubbornly idle. Well if that’s the case,...

3-minute read
5 Tips for Writing an Executive Summary
Whenever you write an in-depth business document, you should include an executive summary. This, as the name suggests, is a brief summary of the report itself. But how exactly do you write one? Check out our tips on writing an executive summary below to find out. 1. What to Include...

3-minute read
5 Top Social Media Tips for Businesses
Most businesses are now on social media. This is because platforms like Facebook and Twitter offer a cheap and easy way to reach millions of potential customers. But how can you make sure your company stands out from the online crowd? We suggest the following social media tips: Use the...

5-minute read
How to Write a Movie Review (5 Top Tips)
Fancy being the next Roger Ebert? Then check out the latest blockbuster or arthouse flick, and let the world know what you think! But what goes into a good movie review? We have a few review writing tips to share: Watch the movie carefully (more than once if possible) and...

4-minute read
Writing Tips: Novellas and Novelettes
...limits on ebooks (especially if you self publish). These shorter formats are highly readable, too, so you may be able to find readers seeking a middle-ground between short stories and a novel. 5 Tips for Writing Novellas and Novelettes Now that we have established a case for these two formats,...

4-minute read
Punctuation Tips: How to Use “Scare Quotes”
...Top Tips for “Scare Quoting” As you may have gathered from the information above, the meaning of a “scare quote” can depend on the context. Some authors only use them to express disapproval. But if you’re simply borrowing someone else’s terminology, the quotation marks don’t have to suggest irony. A...

5-minute read
5 Tips on How to Format a Resume or CV
Previously, we’ve looked at what a well-written resume should include. Today, we’re focusing on how to format a resume or CV. After all, a resume needs to look professional, so its formatting is almost as important as its content. And with that in mind, our top tips for formatting a...

4-minute read
National Screenwriters Day: 5 Tips for Becoming a Screenwriter
It’s National Screenwriters Day! And with directors and actors hogging the limelight, it’s good to celebrate the people who write our favorite onscreen stories. But how do you become the next Billy Wilder or Nora Ephron? In this post, we look at a few tips for becoming a screenwriter. 1....