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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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2-minute read

Word Choice: Inflict vs. Afflict

The verbs “inflict” and “afflict” are spelled similarly and, indeed, closely related in meaning, since...

2-minute read

The Two Meanings of “Apprehend” and “Apprehension”

Although spelled in the same way in each case, “apprehend” can be used to mean...

3-minute read

A Guide to Efficient Research

As students well know, keeping to a schedule is important when writing an academic paper....

2-minute read

Word Choice: Faze vs. Phase

Although the words “faze” and “phase” sound the same, they have different meanings and spellings....

2-minute read

Word Choice: Imply vs. Infer

The words “imply” and “infer” are often confused. Both are verbs relating to communication, but...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Continuous vs. Continual

“Continuous” and “continual” are sometimes used interchangeably, but these words are not actually synonyms. Confusion...

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2-minute read

Word Choice: Immigration, Emigration and Migration

Although closely related, “immigration,” “emigration” and “migration” have distinct meanings that you need to understand....

2-minute read

Word Choice: Ensure vs. Insure

Although “ensure” and “insure” sound similar and differ in spelling by only one letter, they...

2-minute read

Using the Serial (or “Oxford”) Comma

The band Vampire Weekend once memorably sang words to the effect of “who gives a...

3-minute read

How to Stop Procrastinating and Increase Concentration

No matter how close the deadline, sometimes your motivation to read, research, write and edit...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Subsequently vs. Consequently

These two words are easy to mix up and often used (incorrectly) to mean much...

2-minute read

Alternatives to Using “Said” When Quoting a Source

When discussing the arguments of other thinkers, as we often have to do when writing...

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