Smaragda B

Bedfordview, South Africa

“Polished content is my passion.”

Smaragda B

Specialist subjects:

Counseling Education English Fiction Health & Social Care Mental Health Psychology Theology & Religious Studies


Favorite referencing style

APA is my favorite referencing style.

Why I became an editor

I pursued the editing field due to my passion for reading and writing. I loved English literature in high school, and all writing assignments were welcome. Upon graduating, I took several courses to achieve my goals and pursue a career in publishing. I’ve worked for various companies as a content writer, editor, social media manager, and tutor for English second language students. For the past two years, I've specialized in editing, proofreading, and self-publishing as a freelancer.

Background and experience

I have worked for various companies as a content writer, editor, social media manager, and tutor for English second language students (assisting with their writing assignments). For the past two years, I've specialized in editing, proofreading, and self-publishing as a freelancer.

Why I love proofreading and editing

Being inherently detail-oriented, I enjoy the hunt for errors and inconsistencies in a piece of writing. I particularly enjoy proofreading and editing academic content and narrative nonfiction.

Smaragda B

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Favorite book:

Choosing one favorite book feels like a betrayal of other favorites. If pressed, however, I would choose This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti.


When I'm not proofreading, I enjoy spending time with family, friends, and my animals, gardening, cooking, and (of course) reading.

Editing tips:

I scan through a document multiple times to familiarize myself with the writer's voice. Before editing, I set the preferred dialect style for the document.

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