Hayley R

Kent, UK

“A well-written text makes for enjoyable reading.”

Specialist subjects:

Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering English


Favorite referencing style

I would say APA is my favorite referencing style as it’s the one I have the most experience with.

Why I became an editor

I have a love for the written word and a keen eye for detail. Looking to improve my skills and expand on my knowledge, training to become a proofreader and editor seemed like the perfect step into a world that fulfills my passion and utilizes my skills to help perfect a document to the best it can be.

Background and experience

I am a qualified proofreader, and I have worked on a variety of documents to gain experience in my craft. My previous working roles include a clerical position in the NHS providing support for the health visitor assistants and as an administrator for a health insurance broker and an engineering manufacturer and supplier.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I liken the art of proofreading and editing to polishing a diamond. The writer has the idea and has taken the time to form it into something they want others to read, but they need help neatening it up, perfecting the prose, and spotting those pesky errors. An editor and/or proofreader then comes in to polish it up, leaving the document conveying the writer’s message in its clearest and most effective way.

Knowing I’ve helped a writer succeed in their writing only strengthens my passion for proofreading.

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Favorite book:

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie.


When I’m fortunate enough to get some downtime, I like to read, bake, and spend time with my family.

Editing tips:

Before starting on a document, I find reading it through first allows me to gauge the tone, determine the audience, and get an understanding of the piece. I think this sets a good foundation to work from and allows me to keep the authorial voice of the writer.

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