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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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2-minute read

How to Cite a Patent in Chicago Footnote Referencing

If you are writing about technical subjects, you might need to cite a patent at...

5-minute read

5 Tips on How to Write a Live Music Review

When you write a live music review, you want to capture the experience of being...

4-minute read

5 Top Financial Tips for Freelance Writers

From sorting your taxes to starting a pension, managing your money as a freelance writer...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Yoke vs. Yolk

The words “yoke” and “yolk” sound similar, but they mean different things. As such, you...

2-minute read

How to Cite a Thesis or Dissertation in IEEE Referencing

Did you know you can cite someone else’s thesis or dissertation in your own work?...

3-minute read

Writing Tips: Synecdoche and Metonymy

You might not know the words “synecdoche” or “metonymy,” but these rhetorical devices are common...

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3-minute read

A Quick Guide to the Simple Tenses

The past, present, and future simple tenses are vital for describing actions. In the guide...

4-minute read

5 Ways to Celebrate World Poetry Day

The UN’s World Poetry Day (March 21) is a day for celebrating poetry and poets...

2-minute read

Spelling Tips: Rhythm or Rythm?

Do dancers need a good sense of “rhythm” or “rythm”? This word can be difficult...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Gorilla vs. Guerrilla

The words “gorilla” and “guerrilla” sound similar, so it is easy to get them confused....

4-minute read

How to Format an MHRA Bibliography

You may have to use the MHRA referencing system if you are studying in the...

5-minute read

5 Words and Phrases Coined by Shakespeare

The playwright William Shakespeare is credited with introducing over 1,700 words to the English language....

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