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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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8-minute read

The 4 Best Memoir Publishing Services

Preserving memories to pass down to your family and future generations is always worth investing...

7-minute read

Is StoryWorth Worth It? Price, Comparison, and Review

If you are looking to write your life story to share with your family and...

5-minute read

Punctuation Tips: Ellipsis

An ellipsis is a set of three periods (aka “dot, dot, dot”). It has a...

7-minute read

What Is the Difference Between Editing and Proofreading?

Have you finished writing your book or thesis and aren’t sure whether you need proofreading...

7-minute read

Are Proofreading Services Legit?

If you’re looking for proofreading services online, you’ll find an overwhelming number of options, including...

5-minute read

Punctuation Tips: Apostrophes

An apostrophe (’) is a punctuation mark used to indicate possession, omitted letters, or numbers...

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4-minute read

Why Proofreading Is Important

Any type of writing can benefit from proofreading. In this article, we’ll explain what proofreading...

6-minute read

What Does Proofreading Mean? Definition and Checklist

Proofreading is an important step in the writing process that ensures high-quality, professional, error-free writing....

4-minute read

Punctuation Tips: Diacritic Marks

You’ve probably seen those little markings placed above or below certain letters. We call those...

5-minute read

Does Grammar Include Punctuation?

Grammar and punctuation are sometimes used interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing. Grammar refers...

5-minute read

Punctuation Tips: Semicolons

Semicolons can be tricky to use, especially if you’re unfamiliar with their rules. Besides using...

9-minute read

The 10 Most Common Grammar Mistakes

Whether you’re learning English online or in person, you’ve likely experienced trouble with grammar at...

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