Writing Tips
Spelling & Grammar


2-minute read

Grammar Tips: What Are Conjunctive Adverbs?

A conjunctive adverb, otherwise known as a subordinating adverb, is an adverb that connects two...

4-minute read

Funding Request Letter Template

Do you need financial backing for a volunteer project or nonprofit organization? If the answer...

3-minute read

How to Write Book Titles in Your Essays

When writing an essay, you’re likely to mention other authors’ works, such as books, papers,...

5-minute read

A Simple Guide to Reflective Writing

Reflective writing is the process of describing something you’ve experienced, evaluating its meaning, figuring out...

4-minute read

What Is the Plural of Quiz?

Whether you’re in class, at the pub, or watching TV, you’re likely to find yourself...

5-minute read

Crafting Compelling Characters: A Helpful Character Backstory Template for Authors

Characters serve as the heart and soul of any story. No matter how captivating the...

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3-minute read

Grammar Tips: Relative Clauses

Relative clauses, also sometimes called adjective clauses, are phrases that add more information to the...

4-minute read

Grammar Tips: Superlative Adjectives

Superlative adjectives (not to be confused with comparative adjectives) are the best adjectives in English!...

4-minute read

5 Grammar Rules That Can be Broken in English

If you’re learning English, you’ve probably noticed that it comes with quite a few rules...

3-minute read

Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns – What’s the Difference?

As the old rule goes, a noun is “a person, place, or thing.” But did...

3-minute read

Grammar Tips: That-Clauses

English is full of terminology that makes it seem more complicated than it really is....

3-minute read

An Introduction to Relative Pronouns – With Examples

English has eight types of pronouns, and relative pronouns are one of them. But what...

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