Slippery slope arguments are common in academic writing. However, they’re also a type of fallacy (i.e., a mistake or bad argument). Why are they problematic? And how can you avoid the slippery slope fallacy in your work? We’ll explore the answers to these questions in this post.
The slippery slope fallacy is the claim that a certain course of action will lead to a chain of events that ultimately results in something significant (and usually negative). Essentially, a slippery slope argument says:
If X happens, then it will eventually lead to Y, so X is wrong.
Chaining arguments together is not always wrong. But in a slippery slope argument, “X” is usually a relatively small first step, whereas “Y” will be something extreme and unjustified. They also shift focus away from the immediate issue being discussed in favor of something purely hypothetical.
A common example of the slippery slope fallacy is an argument against legalizing marijuana. The argument goes:
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In this example, we start with a relatively uncontroversial premise and end up with a very dramatic conclusion! However, legalizing one drug does not necessarily mean all drugs will be legalized. And even if they were, the leap to societal collapse is a big one. As a whole, then, the argument fails.
So, how do you avoid the slippery slope fallacy? One option is to avoid argumentative chains and focus on the immediate point or issue, not potential consequences far down the line or under certain circumstances. But if you do use a series of linked arguments in your work:
Hopefully this post will help you to spot and avoid the slippery slope fallacy in your writing. If you need more help, though, getting your work proofread can help you express yourself clearly, thereby strengthening your arguments.
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