Results for “grammar/feed/rss2/text=Use contractions or informal language where appropriate.&text=Use a mix of long,and vary the sentence structure.&text=Avoid unnecessarily technical language or complex terminology.&text=Draw on devices like analogies,to relate to your audience.”


Does Grammar Include Punctuation?

5-minute read

Does Grammar Include Punctuation?

...the world. But grammar is more complex than that because grammar rules change as spoken language evolves. For example, if you examine Shakespeare’s work, he effectively standardized the English language by creatively ignoring grammar rules. He’s credited for inventing up to 1,700 new words for the English language, not including...

Is It Ever OK to Use Jargon? 5 Top Tips on Technical Language

4-minute read

Is It Ever OK to Use Jargon? 5 Top Tips on Technical Language

...But the first one uses complex or unusual words such as “neologisms” and “paronomasia.” Meanwhile, the simplified version uses everyday language that anyone could understand, making it more accessible. As a result, when writing for a non-specialist audience, it is worth looking for ways to simplify technical language. To do...

5 Tips for Improving Sentence Structure

6-minute read

5 Tips for Improving Sentence Structure

...1. Write in the active voice. 2. Use a parallel structure for connected items. 3. Watch out for misplaced or missing modifiers. 4. Avoid overusing subordinate clauses. 5. Vary the length and pattern of sentences.  Read on for a full explanation of these tips for improving sentence structure: 1. Use...

Why We Use the Filler Word “Like”

3-minute read

Why We Use the Filler Word “Like”

...liking, and its meaning was to find favor with. So, it would’ve been more usual to say, “Your new hairstyle likes me.” Moreover, “like” can be used as a noun: We made a list of our likes and dislikes. My Facebook post has over 100 likes. “Like” as a Filler...

How to Use Infographics to Boost Your Presentation

9-minute read

How to Use Infographics to Boost Your Presentation

...people not only hear but also remember the message. Simplifying Complex Information Presentations frequently involve conveying complex information in a way that’s accessible to the audience. Infographics have the potential to excel in breaking down these complexities, transforming dense datasets and intricate concepts into clear, concise visuals. Such simplification aids...

Punctuation Tips: Parenthesis

8-minute read

Punctuation Tips: Parenthesis

...if there are two types of dashes, which one should you use? This will depend on your audience. Dashes are used differently in U.S. English than in U.K. English. If your audience is using U.S. English, you will use the unspaced em dash; for U.K. English, it will be the...

The 10 Most Common Grammar Mistakes

9-minute read

The 10 Most Common Grammar Mistakes

...the nurse nor the doctors like when their patients are in pain. 3.   Run-on Sentences and Comma Splices Run-on sentences and comma splices occur when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined. Either a comma is missing, or it needs to have a conjunction after it in a sentence. Let’s...

How to Humanize AI-Generated Text

4-minute read

How to Humanize AI-Generated Text

...naturally communicate in everyday speech and incorporate these elements into AI-generated text: ●  Use contractions or informal language where appropriate. ●  Use a mix of long and short sentences and vary the sentence structure. ●  Avoid unnecessarily technical language or complex terminology. ●  Draw on devices like analogies, metaphors, and...

 How to Write a Perfect Analytical Paragraph

8-minute read

 How to Write a Perfect Analytical Paragraph

...topic sentence is usually the first, or sometimes second, sentence at the beginning of anybody paragraph. Your topic sentence should contain one main idea related to the thesis statement. If it is not related to your thesis statement, then you are likely off topic. Pro Tip: If your topic sentence...

A Guide to Contractions in English Grammar

4-minute read

A Guide to Contractions in English Grammar used in formal writing. You should also avoid using colloquial contractions and double contractions in writing, and be careful when using noun contractions, as some of them aren’t very common and can sound awkward. How can I avoid mixing up possessive words and contractions? If you’re unsure whether a...

Formal vs. Informal English (Why and When Grammar Matters)

3-minute read

Formal vs. Informal English (Why and When Grammar Matters)

...and grammar. This is far more common in writing than speech, especially academic writing and in professional settings. In this kind of English, it’s typical to: Use conventional grammar and spelling Avoid contractions (e.g., “don’t” or “should’ve”) and slang Use academic or technical language Use complete sentences, as well as...

7 Tips for Writing About Mental Health

6-minute read

7 Tips for Writing About Mental Health

...on avoiding biased language, read our post on the topic. 3. Use Neutral Language When writing about mental health, avoid framing it in terms of things like “suffering” (which suggests pity and passivity) or “battling” (which implies someone has “lost” if they do not recover). Instead, use neutral language: Jane...

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