Results for “grammar tips”


Are Proofreading Services Legit?

7-minute read

Are Proofreading Services Legit?

...that is easy to navigate and error-free ●  A range of services targeted for your writing needs ●  Clear pricing and a free trial FAQs How do proofreading services compare to using grammar-checker software? While grammar-checking software is great to use for your everyday writing, it can only go so...

5 Proofreading Tips | Checklist and Examples

4-minute read

5 Proofreading Tips | Checklist and Examples

Proofreading is the final polish of a document, completed before submission or publication. It involves checking the work for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors as well as word choice and consistency. It’s important to proofread your work because every writer makes small errors that can lower the credibility of your...

Assignment Help: Seven Online Tools for College Students

4-minute read

Assignment Help: Seven Online Tools for College Students

As a student, managing assignments can sometimes feel like juggling a dozen tasks at once. From researching and brainstorming ideas to perfecting grammar and ensuring your work is plagiarism-free, the journey to academic success can be quite challenging. Fortunately, several online tools are designed to make your life easier. In...

How to Find a Copy Editor

4-minute read

How to Find a Copy Editor

...language expert who specializes in improving the quality of written content. Their primary role is to review and polish written material, ensuring it’s error-free, well-structured, and adheres to a consistent style and tone. Copy editors meticulously examine grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax, making sure your text is not only technically...

How to Use Apostrophes

3-minute read

How to Use Apostrophes

...It’s worth noting that words which already end with an “s” can be modified with either just an apostrophe or an “-’s”: Angus’ grammar was always perfect. Angus’s grammar was always perfect. Both of the above are acceptable; just remember to aim for consistency throughout your work. Indicating Contractions A...

Determiners: What They Are and How to Use Them

3-minute read

Determiners: What They Are and How to Use Them

...153 books last year. Numbers only count as quantifiers when they appear before a noun, though. Proofreading for Grammar Determiners can be tricky little words to master! But our editors are grammar and spelling experts, helping you to ensure your writing is always error free. Sign up for a free...

Word Choice: Began vs. Begun

3-minute read

Word Choice: Began vs. Begun

Does the English language really need both “began” and “begun”? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just have one past tense version of “begin”? Of course it would, but nobody said English grammar would be easy (in fact, many have said the opposite). So what exactly is the difference between “began”...

Grammatical Person: The First, Second, and Third Person

3-minute read

Grammatical Person: The First, Second, and Third Person

...“me,” and “us.” For example, we might use the first person like this: I have strong opinions about my friends’ grammar. Here, the terms “I” and “my” show the writer is talking about their own opinions and friends. Typically, then, we use the first person when we want to present...

5 Christmas Dinner Arguments for Pedants

3-minute read

5 Christmas Dinner Arguments for Pedants

Happy Christmas, everyone! We hope you have big plans for Christmas dinner tomorrow. And if you’re worried about arguing with your family over food, why not talk about spelling, grammar, and punctuation instead? These may not seem like the most festive topics of conversation. But we have five suggestions for...

A Quick Guide to Verb Types: Main, Linking, Auxiliary and Modal Verbs

5-minute read

A Quick Guide to Verb Types: Main, Linking, Auxiliary and Modal Verbs

...some of these types overlap (e.g., a linking verb is often also the main verb in a sentence). And this can make grammar tricky! Luckily, if you’re ever unsure about verb forms or any other aspect of your writing, we have grammar experts ready to help. Simply submit a free...

5 Brilliant YouTube Channels for English Learners

3-minute read

5 Brilliant YouTube Channels for English Learners

...grammar lessons). They also stand out for their sense of humor and quirky presentation. With Mr. Duncan, then, you’ll be entertained while you learn. 3. Anglo-link Minoo of Anglo-Link has over 40 years’ experience of teaching English as a foreign language. With lessons divided into “pre-intermediate,” “intermediate,” and “advanced” levels,...

What is the Best Online Essay Editing Service?

3-minute read

What is the Best Online Essay Editing Service?

...for spelling, grammar, and basic style issues—far more advanced than your basic spell checker. Many of these services are free or relatively inexpensive, and they offer instantaneous results. However, these tools won’t catch every error. Since they can’t consider context or your intended message, they can make incorrect recommendations, so...

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