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Writing Tips

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3-minute read

How to Create an Index in Microsoft Word

Have you ever wondered who compiles the indexes at the end of books? Traditionally, this...

3-minute read

3 Tips for Writing Dialogue in Fiction

“Fancy seeing you here,” the proofreader says, raising an eyebrow. “Word is you’re writing a...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Around vs. Round

Are the words “around” and “round” interchangeable? Yes. Except for when they’re not. The problem...

3-minute read

How to Write a Press Release

If your business has news to share, you can do so via a press release....

3-minute read

Dissertation Checklist: What to Do When Your Work Is (Nearly) Due

Big dissertation deadline approaching? Hopefully, you have a draft you’re happy with and it’s time...

3-minute read

Author Citation in Botany and Zoology (aka Species Citation)

Referencing is tricky at the best of times. But it can be especially confusing in...

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2-minute read

Word Choice: All Together vs. Altogether

What happens when two words become one? Sometimes, like with “all right” and “alright,” both...

3-minute read

Redundant Expressions and How to Avoid Them

Do you ever get the feeling you’re repeating yourself? It’s certainly a common problem in...

3-minute read

How to Fix Comma Splices

Comma splices are a common punctuation error. But would you know a comma splice if...

3-minute read

5 Tips for Writing an Executive Summary

Whenever you write an in-depth business document, you should include an executive summary. This, as...

4-minute read

An Overview of ASA Referencing (5 Key Facts)

If you’re studying sociology, you may have been asked to use ASA referencing in your...

2-minute read

Word Choice: “What” and “Which” in Questions

“What” and “which” are both used for asking questions. They can even be used interchangeably...

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