MyKaelah S

United Kingdom

“Why stress when we can make your writing better, together? Two heads are better than one!”

MyKaelah S

Specialist subjects:

Creative Writing English Fiction Language & Literature Medieval & Modern Languages

Editing formats:


BA in English & American Literature and Spanish

University of Kent


Favorite referencing style


Why I became an editor

I studied English and literature at university. Not only was I able to indulge myself in the world of books and imagination, but I also gained a true appreciation for language and genres. Having spent the last four years writing and editing creative texts, academic essays, and professional documents, working as a proofreader was the perfect next step. I have not only become a better writer, but this career path created an opportunity for me to learn new information and develop my worldview.

Background and experience

I worked as a short story writer and proofreader for an e-learning company, where my responsibilities involved creating educational materials for students. Having completed the proofreading course with Proofreading Academy, I have applied the technical skills I learned, coupled with my own experience, to venture into freelance proofreading and editing. I also edit social media and website content. My main priorities are always to ensure clarity and engagement for the target audiences.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I enjoy proofreading because I believe it is boundless: I can learn new information from a range of different topics, or be taken away to a new place through creative writing. I especially enjoy the arts and humanities, as well as the more hands-on form of editing involved when working with non-English writers. My passion is to help writers express themselves and share their knowledge, interests, and experiences with the world, and proofreading and editing allows me to do that.

MyKaelah S

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Favorite book:

Maybe it's childhood nostalgia, but one of my favorites is Beauty by Robin McKinley, which is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast that includes some nice changes and twists.


When not proofreading, I like to play sports and music. I've been playing netball since primary school and I was recently introduced to korfball, which I recommend to everyone that I meet.

Editing tips:

I like to read the document first, without editing. This helps me to get a feel for the type of document (e.g., academic, CV, creative), the author's voice, and what they are trying to say.

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