Jade S

Melbourne, Australia

“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do. – Thomas Jefferson”

Jade S

Specialist subjects:

Classics & Ancient History Creative Writing Education English Fiction History Theology & Religious Studies


Favorite referencing style

I don't have a particular favorite style. I aim to be adaptable to what is needed.

Why I became an editor

Reading and writing is my passion because it is through the written word that worlds are created and knowledge is passed on. I think of it as a privilege to be able aid those creating these worlds and passing on their knowledge, and to do so with clarity.

Background and experience

I previously worked, both as an employee and as a freelancer, as a desktop publisher and editor for four years.

For the past 14 years, I have been a full-time mum. During the years that my children have been at school, I have had the honour of homeschooling them both at different times, and so I have enjoyed the role of teacher. As a result, both my "students" have received awards and high results in their writing.

Why I love proofreading and editing

Editing and proofreading is the ideal job for me since I enjoy delving into many different subjects. I am widely read on topics such as social history, psychology, and many different branches of science.

I find great pleasure in learning new things, and I get to do this during the process of proofreading and editing someone's work.

Jade S

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Favorite book:

My tastes are very eclectic and I have favourites in many different categories. I enjoy reading fiction, non-fiction, history, science, psychology, classics, and science fiction. I especially enjoy anything that makes me think outside the square.


In my downtime, I enjoy going to the beach, watching movies or reading a good book. I particularly enjoy travelling and daydreaming about travelling.

Editing tips:

The most important step in proofreading a document is to ascertain the author's purpose. Equally important is getting a sense of the style and voice so that none of these elements are lost in the process of making corrections. This is achieved by an initial read-through of the document before any proofreading or editing is done.

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