Deborah P

Cockermouth, United Kingdom

“Clarity. It's what we do!”

Specialist subjects:

Business & Management Education Health & Social Care International Development TESOL


PG Dip. in Contract Management

Leeds Metropolitan University



Open University


BA in Business Management

University of Northumbria


Favorite referencing style

I don't think I have a favorite style. I love learning new rules, so any kind of handbook or study guide becomes a new challenge for me to sink my teeth into!

Why I became an editor

I started a career in teaching EFL to fund my travels. It became quite a passion, helping people wrap their heads around the intricacies of the English language, and I did that for over 10 years! Returning to England in 2000, I studied Business Management while working in education and children's services. In my work, I did a lot of proofreading and editing of reports and government papers. I decided early on that my final career move would be combining my two loves: teaching EFL and editing.

Background and experience

As a freelancer, I have edited websites and marketing materials for small businesses. I also worked for a publisher specializing in study guides for national examinations. I am currently proofreading and editing a series of academic textbooks for an EFL company in the Caribbean. Prior to my career change, I worked as the CEO of a regional charity, which was very rewarding. Before that, I held roles in the strategic development, commissioning, and contract management of children's services.

Why I love proofreading and editing

Having been a student, a teacher, and a professional, I have seen firsthand the positive impact careful editing can make on a piece of work, and I love being part of that! I have lots of experience with the Harvard referencing system, having used it throughout my academic studies. I am experienced in using APA and have a working knowledge of the Chicago, MLA, and IEEE referencing systems.

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Favorite book:

My favorite book is often the one I am reading at the time of asking! My last book was There Are Places in the World Where Rules Are Less Important Than Kindness by Carlo Rovelli.


When I'm not proofreading, I like to read—it's great fun finding a comma splice in published works too! Yoga, dog-walking, watching films, and Netflix are also firm favorites.

Editing tips:

I use two screens so that I can keep the original work in sight at all times. This helps me ensure that the tone and style of the author's voice are retained throughout.

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