Chloe K

Williamstown, United States

“Quality writing comes from a creative mind. Quality editing results from a trained mind.”

Chloe K

Specialist subjects:

Building Construction & Development English Event Management Leadership Mathematics Project Management Risk Management


Favorite referencing style

APA, as this is the style I am most familiar with.

Why I became an editor

After losing a significant amount of work during the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided an online job was for me. I love to read and write, and I am usually picking up errors in books, websites and advertisements regularly. My family suggested that I start proofreading, so I said, "why not!" It is very satisfying to me to help others improve their hard work. Proofreading is something I can see myself doing for many years to come.

Background and experience

I have experience editing various documents and websites for friends and family. I have extensive knowledge within the construction industry from previous jobs and study; therefore, this is one of my specialty subjects. In my free time, I enjoy writing children's books and stories and am currently undertaking further editing study.

Why I love proofreading and editing

Proofreading is very satisfying to me, especially because it means I am helping someone else to improve their work. If I can help to make content more clear and concise, then the reader or audience will also benefit. I see this as being an advantage to the author, reader and editor (myself). The more content I can expose myself to while proofreading, the more knowledge I can gain—not only in editing, but in subjects as well. I love to continue educating my mind.

Chloe K

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Favorite book:

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.


In my free time, I enjoy mountain biking, adventuring outside or reading a book.

Editing tips:

Using a checklist helps me to stay on task and structured while editing. It also improves my time spent on a document.

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