Bronwin D

The Gap, Australia

“Write to live. Live to write.”

Specialist subjects:

Bioengineering Biological Sciences Biomedical Sciences Chemistry Creative Writing English Fiction Language & Literature Medical Technology Physical Sciences


BSc (with Honors)


PhD in Chemistry


Favorite referencing style

I don't have a favorite referencing style. I can adapt to any of them, and I have experience with many different styles.

Why I became an editor

My editing journey began with my love of reading and writing literature. I wrote a novel when I was fifteen, and years later, it was published. That opened doors for me in the publishing industry, and more doors continue to open to this day. I was also exposed to writing and editing scientific work through my profession as a research scientist. Above all, I am passionate about language and improving its use. It gives me great satisfaction to be part of the creation process of others.

Background and experience

I have been editing for a book publisher for the last three years. This has included fiction and creative nonfiction, such as memoirs. I have also developed an editing network and received private jobs. I have teamed up with another editor who began as my mentor. Now, I think I sometimes teach her a few things too! Editing and proofreading have been part of all the academic roles I've had over the past 20 years.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I love to read. I love to write. I'm passionate about language. It's that simple. I am a perfectionist and love to make improvements. Attention to detail is my thing. I'm good at editing and proofreading, and therefore, I love it.

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Favorite book:

My favorite book is Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.


My hobbies include horseback riding, soap making, reading, camping, and watching cricket!

Editing tips:

Follow the rules, but trust your instincts. Keep the overall product in mind, always thinking of the big picture and how the details fit into that.

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