Anna R

Tomaszow Maz Poland

“Well-proofread text builds you credibility and prestige.”

Specialist subjects:

Education Journalism

Editing formats:


MA in Journalism and Mass Communications

Warsaw University


Why I became an editor

I was raised with English as a primary language, and I have always apreciated its fluidity. Slavic languages tend to be tightly structured and a bit dull. In my career, teaching in English has offered many more opportunities to enhance creativity.

Background and experience

Before beginning my teaching career, I worked as an editor for a major publishing house, and also as a content provider for various companies across Europe.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I like proofreading because the documents are like puzzles. I appreciate taking an original rough copy, combing it over carefully for any errors, and returning the document in perfect condition. I have improved very much over time, and I am enjoying it more and more.

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Favorite book:

Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger


I spend most of my time with my children. I have a five and seven-year-old.

Editing tips:

I read through the document once in its entirety while highlighting problem areas, then again line-by-line correcting errors, and then I print out the document and review it a final time the next day.

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