Sarah C

Sacramento, United States

“Clear, concise, and consistent.”

Specialist subjects:

Anatomy & Physiology Business & Management Computer/Information Sciences Creative Writing Dentistry English Fiction Public Health


AA in Information Systems

BYU Idaho


Dental Assisting

Carrington College


Favorite referencing style

I am most familiar with APA and MLA referencing.

Why I became an editor

Embarking on a career as a proofreader was the logical next step for me when I realized what was missing from my career in the dental field. I missed reading and writing too much to stay where I was. Editing dental texts was the perfect way to combine my areas of interest, but I am excited to expand my knowledge. My true passion is learning. Proofreading is the perfect opportunity to be introduced to new topics and ideas while helping others make their writing shine.

Background and experience

I enjoyed proofreading as a tutor for composition classes in both high school and college. Since school, I have edited as a hobby in the world of fanfiction and creative writing.

Why I love proofreading and editing

I have a passion for perfecting word choice. Varied vocabulary and deliberate diction can make any piece of writing shine when paired with flawless grammar.

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Favorite book:

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Jr is my favorite book.


Chasing two toddlers around the house keeps me busy when I am not proofreading.

Editing tips:

A final read-through aloud helps me to catch introduced errors or awkward sentences that may have been missed when going through with a fine-tooth comb.

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