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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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4-minute read

Spelling Tips: Website or Web Site?

Do you visit a “website” or a “web site”? And should these terms be capitalized?...

4-minute read

6 Tips for Writing About Disability

When writing about disabilities, we have the power to place people in either a positive...

3-minute read

Spelling Tips: Meter vs. Metre

The words “meter” and “metre” sound the same, but only “meter” is used in American...

5-minute read

6 Tips on How to Write Persuasive Copy

Persuasive copy is material that is designed to persuade or convince people to do things....

3-minute read

Grammar Tips: What Are Modal Verbs?

Modal verbs are a special category of verb in English. But how do they work?...

2-minute read

Phrases for Wimbledon: The Ball Is in Your Court and Game, Set, Match

The Wimbledon Championships are back after last year’s cancellation because of the pandemic. And to...

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3-minute read

Word Choice: Waist vs. Waste

The words “waist” and “waste” are homophones, so they sound the same but have different...

3-minute read

Epilogue or Afterword? A Guide for the Confused

“Epilogue” and “afterword” both refer to sections at the end of a book. However, there...

2-minute read

How to Cite Personal Communications in IEEE Referencing

Did you know you can cite private letters and emails in your work? Here, we’ll...

5-minute read

How to Use Binomial Nomenclature in Scientific Writing

Binomial nomenclature – i.e., the Latin names given to animal and plant species – is...

6-minute read

How to Pick the Best Style Guide for Your Business Writing

To be sure your formal business writing meets professional standards, it helps to follow a...

3-minute read

Word Choice: In vs. Inn

Since “in” and “inn” sound the same, it is easy to mix up these terms....

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