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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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4-minute read

How to Write Slam Poetry

Slam poetry is popular with writers from all backgrounds. But what exactly is slam poetry,...

5-minute read

How to Write in Free Verse

Free verse is a form of poetry that doesn’t follow a formal structure, rhythm, or...

2-minute read

A Guide to the Present Progressive Tense

The present progressive tense is a form of the present tense. It’s a fairly common...

3-minute read

What Is Gray Literature?

Gray literature is data or information that hasn’t been published by commercial publishers and distributors....

4-minute read

What Is Phenomenological Research?

Phenomenological research (aka the study of phenomena) is qualitative research that aims to learn more...

4-minute read

6 Synonyms for Love

Because the word love can mean so many different things, it’s frequently used. But repeating...

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3-minute read

Grammar: When to Use Do, Does, and Did

Verbs are essential to creating complete sentences, as they help us express physical actions (She...

3-minute read

Tips for Writing a Narrative Essay

If you’ve been tasked with writing a narrative essay, you might be a little confused....

6-minute read

5 Tips for Improving Sentence Structure

In elementary school, children are taught that a sentence begins with a capital letter and...

4-minute read

How to Write an Acrostic Poem

Whether you’re a professional poet, someone who’s learning to write poetry, or a poetry teacher,...

5-minute read

4 Poems About Sisters and Sisterhood

As children, sisters may fight or relentlessly pick on each other, but there’s no denying...

4-minute read

What Are Weasel Words?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “to weasel out of” something. It means to avoid responsibility...

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