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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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3-minute read

The Five Most Common Spelling Errors

Everyone makes spelling mistakes. Yep, everyone! William Shakespeare, H.P. Lovecraft, Ernest Hemingway, J.K. Rowling, Steven...

4-minute read

Esperanto – A Fascinating Invented Language

Some may think that made-up languages are only for fictional worlds, such as Game of...

5-minute read

Types of Tones in Writing

There are as many tones in writing as there are human emotions. The differences between...

3-minute read

Writing Tips: Strong vs. Weak Verbs

Did you know that some verbs are stronger than others? In this post, we’ll look...

3-minute read

How to Use a Homograph in Your Writing

Homographs, not to be confused with homonyms or homophones, are words that are spelled the...

3-minute read

How to Start a Research Paper

You’ve been tasked with completing a research paper. You’ve done all the research, collected your...

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5-minute read

5 Tips for Starting Your Own Blog

Having a blog is a great way to generate an audience, practice your skills, and...

2-minute read

“Hope You Are Well” – What to Say Instead

“Hi! How are you?” “Fine, thanks. How are you?” That’s such a common verbal greeting...

3-minute read

What Is a Null Hypothesis?

The term null hypothesis may cause a bit of confusion for even the brainiest researchers...

3-minute read

5 English Writing Techniques Every Writer Should Know

If you’re a non-native English writer, you deserve a pat on the back – English...

5-minute read

Essay Tips: 7 Types of Plagiarism

Essay writing can be stressful. You need to research your topic, write the essay, and...

4-minute read

What Is Syntax in Writing?

English can be a complicated language. Sometimes, just by changing the order of words in...

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