Results for “grammar tips”


5 Tips on How to Adapt a Novel into a Screenplay

5-minute read

5 Tips on How to Adapt a Novel into a Screenplay

At some point, most people have probably read a book and thought, “This would make a great film!” But not everyone does anything about it. So, how do you adapt a novel into a screenplay? We have five top tips: Make sure you have permission to adapt the original work....

5 Tips for Avoiding Cultural Appropriation in Fiction

5-minute read

5 Tips for Avoiding Cultural Appropriation in Fiction

In a previous post, we set out the basics of what cultural appropriation involves and why it can be problematic. We also offered a few tips for avoiding cultural appropriation, including the following: Ask yourself whether you’re the best person to tell the story. Be aware of stereotypes and othering...

5 Tips for Writing a Great User Manual

4-minute read

5 Tips for Writing a Great User Manual

If you have created a new product or process, a user manual should help people to use it correctly and solve problems they encounter. As such, it’s important that user manuals are clear and easy to follow. Here are five tips to help you write a user manual that works:...

5 Tips for Writing a Professional Bio

5-minute read

5 Tips for Writing a Professional Bio

A professional bio explains who you are and what you do. But the style and content of your bio will depend on various factors. If you need to create a professional bio of your own, though, following, these five tips will help: Think about the type and length of bio...

5 Top Tips on How to Write a Sales Letter

4-minute read

5 Top Tips on How to Write a Sales Letter

A well-written sales letter is an excellent way to make prospective buyers aware of your product or services. But how do you write a letter that converts interest to sales? We have five top tips you can use: Craft an attention-grabbing headline. Set out a solution to a problem the...

5 Tips for Writing Effective Job Interview Questions

4-minute read

5 Tips for Writing Effective Job Interview Questions

Recruiting the best employees for your business can be difficult. Asking the right questions in an interview, though, can help you to find the right person. But how do you write effective job interview questions? We have five tips to help: Tailor questions to the skills the role requires. Find...

5 Top Tips for Writing Great Infographic Copy

4-minute read

5 Top Tips for Writing Great Infographic Copy

Infographics give businesses an engaging, eye-catching way to communicate information, especially on social media. But how do you write the text to go with the images in an infographic? We have five top tips for writing great infographic copy: Plan where you need to use text in your infographic. Write...

5 Tips on How to Achieve a Professional Tone in Business Writing

4-minute read

5 Tips on How to Achieve a Professional Tone in Business Writing

Good business writing should be professional in tone. But how can you achieve this in your formal business documents? We have five tips to help: Tailor your language to the expected reader(s). Follow your company’s style guide if they have one. Make sure to write with confidence and authority. Be...

5 Tips on How to Write a Love Poem

4-minute read

5 Tips on How to Write a Love Poem

With Valentine’s Day upon us, what better way to declare your love than with a poem? We even have five top tips to help you write a love poem: Read a range of love poems to get some inspiration. Decide what type of poetry you want to write. Think about...

5 Tips on How to Write an Op-Ed Article

5-minute read

5 Tips on How to Write an Op-Ed Article

Op-eds are a great way for academics and professionals to reach a wider audience. Have a strong, informed opinion on a current issue? Then write an op-ed article and let the world know! But how do you write one? We have five top tips: Pick a clearly defined, current topic...

6 Tips on How to Write Persuasive Copy

5-minute read

6 Tips on How to Write Persuasive Copy

Persuasive copy is material that is designed to persuade or convince people to do things. Whether you’re writing a product description, a marketing email, or a captivating new brand poster, persuasive copywriting is a useful skill. In this article, we outline six top tips for writing persuasive copy: Be honest...

6 Tips for Writing About Disability

4-minute read

6 Tips for Writing About Disability

When writing about disabilities, we have the power to place people in either a positive or negative light. The way we phrase our sentences can have unintended and harmful results. This article covers six tips for writing about disability: If you are writing about a specific person, make sure you...

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