Results for “grammar tips”


5 World-Building Tips for Authors

5-minute read

5 World-Building Tips for Authors

...(e.g., Tolkien’s Middle Earth from the Lord of the Rings books) and sci-fi (e.g., the Star Wars or Star Trek universes). But it is equally important when writing about unfamiliar times or cultures, such as a novel set in the distant past. 5 World-Building Tips for Authors How can you...

Writing Tips: How to Spell “Definitely”

2-minute read

Writing Tips: How to Spell “Definitely”

...openly shows resistance or disobedience (e.g., “defying” expectations or rules). Spelling Tips for “Definitely” So, how can you avoid this common spelling pitfall? One way is to look at the middle part of the word. For example, you could remember that “definitely” contains the word “finite,” or that it has...

Writing Tips: How to Spell “Separate”

3-minute read

Writing Tips: How to Spell “Separate”

Do you need to use the word “separate” in your writing? As it has different pronunciations, it can be tricky to figure out which vowels go where. Take a look at our tips below to remember how to spell it right every time. What Does “Separate” Mean? “Separate” can be...

5 Tips on How to Write a Call for Papers

3-minute read

5 Tips on How to Write a Call for Papers

A call for papers (CFP) is the document you send out when you are seeking academic papers for a conference, a special issue of a journal, or an edited volume. Here, we share five tips on how to write a call for papers. 1. Start with Information About the Event...

5 Tips on Picking a Perfect Title for Your Novel

4-minute read

5 Tips on Picking a Perfect Title for Your Novel

The title is the first thing people will read when they discover your novel. It thus needs to grab potential readers’ attention and reflect the tone and content of your book. But how can you make sure come up with a perfect title? We’ve put together a few helpful tips...

7 Top Tips for Creating a Research Poster

5-minute read

7 Top Tips for Creating a Research Poster

A research poster should demonstrate your key findings clearly and concisely, allowing you to kickstart conversations around your work in class and at conferences and exhibitions. But how do you create a research poster? Here are some tips from our proofreaders. 1. Planning a Research Poster When you start planning...

7 Top Tips for Writing an Employee Newsletter

6-minute read

7 Top Tips for Writing an Employee Newsletter

An internal newsletter is a chance to build morale and add value for employees, so you’ll want to get it right. But what does this involve? Our five top five tips for writing an employee newsletter include: Plan your newsletter so that you’re clear about what you want to say....

5 Top Tips for Writing an Academic CV

4-minute read

5 Top Tips for Writing an Academic CV

If you’re preparing an academic CV, you’ll want to make the best first impression possible. But how can you do this? We have five top tips for writing an academic CV that should help, including: Check that you have all the information required for an academic CV. Make sure to...

Writing Tips: What Is Allegory?

5-minute read

Writing Tips: What Is Allegory? trials. This allowed Orwell to write a critique of Stalinism without discussing it directly. But by making this critique in story form, he also made his political ideas accessible to more people. 5 Tips for Using Allegory in Your Writing Finally, we have five quick tips for using allegory...

5 Tips for Writing Up the Minutes of a Meeting

4-minute read

5 Tips for Writing Up the Minutes of a Meeting

You may need to take minutes as a record of the actions taken and decisions made at a meeting. And if so, you’ll want them to be clear, concise and accurate. But how can you ensure this? In this post, we share our top tips for taking and writing up...

5 Tips on Picking an Academic Referee

3-minute read

5 Tips on Picking an Academic Referee

An academic referee is someone who provides a reference regarding your abilities, something all graduates will need at some point. In this post we provide a few tips for picking an academic referee, focusing on those applying for postgraduate education, though much of this advice also applies to professional references....

7 Tips for Writing About Mental Health

6-minute read

7 Tips for Writing About Mental Health

When writing about mental health, the words we use and the way we frame our ideas can have unintended consequences or reinforce negative stereotypes. Today is World Mental Health Day, though, so let’s look at seven tips for writing about mental health responsibly. These include: Use person-first language to avoid...

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