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Writing Tips

Our team of experts posts daily about spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, referencing, and more to help you better understand the English language and improve your writing skills.

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4-minute read

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay, as the name may suggest, is an essay in which you describe...

3-minute read

How to Format a Bibliography in Chicago Referencing

As with most citation systems, Chicago referencing requires you to list all cited sources at...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Extent vs. Extend

Usually, our Word Choice posts cover homophones (i.e., words that sound alike but have different...

4-minute read

Literary Misquotes: 5 Famous Lines Everyone Gets Wrong

Some quotes are so good they enter the popular consciousness. You don’t have to be...

3-minute read

It’s a Punderful Life: A Beginner’s Guide to Puns

Puns! Some people think they’re pun-derful, while some people think they’re pun-ishingly bad. But what...

2-minute read

Spelling Tips: Ligatures and When to Use Them

There’s a good chance you’ve seen ligatures, especially in older documents or in writing that...

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2-minute read

Word Choice: Leant vs. Lent

“Leant” and “lent” sound identical. They’re also both past tense verbs. As a result, it’s...

3-minute read

When to Hyphenate Numbers

We’ve written about hyphens and numbers before, but here we’re combining the two. Why? Because...

4-minute read

Microsoft Excel vs. Google Sheets: Which Is Best?

When you need a spreadsheet, who do you call? For a long time, the answer...

2-minute read

Word Choice: Oppose vs. Appose

Ideally, all words would be clearly distinct in spelling and pronunciation. In practice, though, there...

3-minute read

5 Spelling Mnemonics to Help You Get Tricky Words Right

With silent letters and homophones to confuse things, English spelling can be difficult. To help...

2-minute read

Apostrophe Tips: Valentine’s Day or Valentines Day?

Today is Valentine’s Day. A day of love, romance, and… apostrophes? Yes, at this time...

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