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Writing Tips

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3-minute read

What Is Oxford Referencing?

Many schools recommend Oxford referencing for citing sources in academic writing. But what exactly is...

4-minute read

How to Edit Quotes in an Essay

Quoting sources is vital when writing an essay. But what if the quote doesn’t fit...

3-minute read

Vocabulary Tips: Is “Thank You” One Word or Two?

People often thank us for our proofreading. But even gratitude can cause spelling problems! In...

3-minute read

A Beginner’s Guide to Alliteration

A little alliteration can liven up even the limpest literature. So if you’re not sure...

4-minute read

Adding Images in Microsoft Word

From company logos to detailed scientific illustrations, there are many reasons to add an image...

3-minute read

When Should I Capitalize “Internet”?

The question of whether to capitalize ‘internet’ is controversial. It has even inspired its own...

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3-minute read

The Etymology of Easter and “Easter Egg”

Happy Easter! Maybe today is one of religious celebration for you. Alternatively, you may be...

3-minute read

Word Choice: Angel vs. Angle

Do you have a guardian angle watching over you? If so, is it acute or...

4-minute read

Grammar Tips: Independent and Dependent Clauses

Independent and dependent clauses are fundamental parts of writing. But what are these clauses? How...

2-minute read

A Guide to LaTeX Document Classes

LaTeX is a powerful editing tool for preparing documents in the sciences, computing, and engineering....

4-minute read

How to Write a Haiku

Today, April 17, is International Haiku Poetry Day. It’s thus an exciting date if you’re...

4-minute read

A Guide to Using MLA Citations

MLA referencing is common in the humanities. And if you are studying on a literature...

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