Results for “grammar tips”


5 Top Bibliography Tips

2-minute read

5 Top Bibliography Tips

A high-quality bibliography or reference list is an essential part of any academic paper. So to help you out with your referencing, we’ve come up with a list of five top tips to follow when writing a bibliography. 1. Check Your Style Guide Different schools, journals, and disciplines often use...

Writing Tips: Latino, Latina or Latinx?

4-minute read

Writing Tips: Latino, Latina or Latinx?

...well as English. This word is not yet as widely known, though. Which Term Should I Use? The best term to use for a person or group of people of Latin American heritage will depend on your situation and preferences. However, we have a few tips: Latino and Latina are...

5 Tips for Writing a Strong Thesis Statement

5-minute read

5 Tips for Writing a Strong Thesis Statement

Every good research paper needs a strong thesis statement. Typically, this is a line or two near the start where you set out the basic idea or argument that you will explore. But how do you write a perfect thesis statement? We have five top tips: Think about the type...

8 Tips on How to Write a Music Review

3-minute read

8 Tips on How to Write a Music Review

When you write a music review, you’re aiming to share your impression of the music with the reader. And when you’re reviewing an album, these tips will help you to write something that is readable and engaging. 1. Listen Before you start writing a review, listen to the music from...

Referencing Tips: What Are URLs and DOIs?

4-minute read

Referencing Tips: What Are URLs and DOIs?

...abbreviation “URL” is short for uniform resource locator. URLs let your computer find a site or resource online, which is why they’re also commonly known as “web addresses.” For example, the URL for this blog is: Some URLs (e.g., permalinks and PURLs) are stable and permanent. This means they...

Writing Tips: An Example Cover Letter

3-minute read

Writing Tips: An Example Cover Letter

We have previously looked at how to write a cover letter on this blog. But what should a good cover letter look like? To help you write yours, we’ve prepared an example! Check out the tips below for advice. What Should a Cover Letter Include? Before we get to our...

Spelling Tips: Focused or Focussed?

3-minute read

Spelling Tips: Focused or Focussed?

...English. In short, then, it is usually best to stick with “focused.” And if you want to be extra sure your work is error free, you can have it proofread. Why not upload a sample document for free and find out how we can help? Prefer Writing Tips in Video?...

Spelling Tips: Draft or Draught?

4-minute read

Spelling Tips: Draft or Draught?

Did you know that “draft” and “draught” sound the same? We won’t blame you if not, as “draught” is rarely used in American English. However, “draught” is common in other English dialects, including British English. And they use it for words we spell “draft.” Check out our tips below to...

5 Top Tips on How to Write a Thank You Letter or Note

4-minute read

5 Top Tips on How to Write a Thank You Letter or Note just as important! What goes into a good thank you letter or note, though? We have a few tips: Make sure to write your thank you note promptly. Pick a suitable format: email is fine for most cases, but you might want to send a note on paper for...

Spelling Tips: Are Whilst, Amongst and Amidst Correct?

4-minute read

Spelling Tips: Are Whilst, Amongst and Amidst Correct? you avoid errors in your writing? Check out our tips below! What to Do with -st Word Endings All the words we’re looking at here have standard spellings (while, among, amid) and alternative -st endings (whilst, amongst, amidst). In each case, the variant spelling means the same thing as...

5 Top Tips on How to Write a Book Synopsis

4-minute read

5 Top Tips on How to Write a Book Synopsis

A synopsis is a short summary of something. And if you’re hoping to get a manuscript published, you’ll need to write a perfect book synopsis to catch the attention of agents and editors. But how do you write a book synopsis? In this post, we offer a few helpful tips,...

5 Top Tips on How to Write a White Paper for Your Business

4-minute read

5 Top Tips on How to Write a White Paper for Your Business

A white paper is an in-depth guide or explanation about a specific topic or problem. And this can be a great way for businesses to establish credibility among customers and clients. But how can you create white papers that people want to read? Our top tips include: Pick a topic...

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