Results for “grammar tips”

3-minute read
How to Use Abbreviations (6 Top Tips)
Abbreviations can be tricky, so it’s important to use them correctly. That’s why we’ve created this list of top tips about using abbreviations in your written work! 1. When to Abbreviate You don’t need to abbreviate every long word. It’s best to save abbreviations for terms you use repeatedly, especially...

3-minute read
5 Tips on Self-Publishing an Ebook
While we’re still fond of the old-fashioned papery versions, no one can deny that digital self-publishing has made it much easier for authors to find an audience for their writing. But how does self-publishing an ebook work? And what do you need to do? We have a few tips to...

3-minute read
Losing the Plot? 5 Top Tips on Writing a Good Story
In narrative writing, the term “plot” refers to the events that make up a story. But how do authors approach plotting a story? And what makes a good plot in the first place? We have a few helpful tips! 1. Plotting Your Plot Once you have a premise for your...

3-minute read
Example Press Release (Writing Tips)
We’ve previously offered a few tips on writing a press release, including: Start with an eye-catching headline. Tailor your press release to match your business goals. Include stats, photos, and/or quotes that journalists can use. Pick the perfect time to send your press release. In this post, though, we’re going...

3-minute read
5 Top Tips for Writing Your Autobiography
Writing any book is hard work. But autobiographical writing can be especially tricky. So check out our top autobiography tips for some ideas on where to start writing about your own life. 1. Know Who You Are Writing For The first step in writing an autobiography is working out who...

3-minute read
4 Tips on Writing a Wedding Speech
...can’t let worries about public speaking ruin the party. And with our top tips, you can be confident of getting your wedding speech just right. We will not be recommending a sing-along, but it is an option. (Photo: Greg Neate/flickr) 1. The Essentials of a Wedding Speech There is a...

7-minute read
7 Top Tips on Writing the Time
As anyone who has turned up for a midday meeting at midnight will tell you, clarity is vital when writing the time of day. But there are many ways to write the time, and the best approach isn’t always obvious. We have a few tips to help, though. 1. Words...

4-minute read
Top Tips on How to Write a Screenplay
We’ve looked previously at the elements of a screenplay, but what about writing one? Are there any rules about how to do this? Well, not exactly. But we do have some great tips to share, so check out our guide below to find out more about writing scripts and screenplays....

4-minute read
Writing Tips: Word Variation
...But it’s a good idea to vary the language you use sometimes. And on that note, try keeping these tips on word variation in mind. When to Vary Your Words Generally, a bit of repetition is fine. In academic writing, for example, consistent terminology is vital for clarity. So you...

4-minute read
Is It Ever OK to Use Jargon? 5 Top Tips on Technical Language do this, here are five tips on how to handle jargon. 1. What Is Jargon? Broadly, “jargon” is specialized terminology from a defined area of activity or study. This includes everything from complex technical terminology to industry buzzwords, so you can find it used almost everywhere. Not all jargon...

4-minute read
5 Tips on How to Write a Candidate Rejection Letter
...experiences of companies’ recruitment processes online, it is more important than ever to respond to unsuccessful candidates in a timely manner. In the rest of this post, then, we’ll provide some tips on how to write a strong candidate rejection letter for your company. 1. Personalize Communication To ensure candidates...

3-minute read
Punctuation Tips: The Backslash and Forward Slash
...(e.g., You may also see a forward slash used to indicate a relationship. For instance: Soviet/US relations were tense throughout the 1960s. This use of a slash is okay in less formal writing. In formal writing, however, you should use an en dash to indicate connections instead: Soviet–US relations...