- 4-minute read
- 11th June 2022
50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students
The goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to understand and support your position on an issue by presenting your reasoning along with supporting evidence. It’s important to find the right balance between giving your opinions and presenting established research.
These essays discuss issues around a range of topics, including science, technology, politics, and healthcare. Whether you’re a teacher looking for essay topics for your students or a student tasked with developing an idea of your own, we’ve compiled a list of 50 argumentative essay topics to help you get started!
● Does texting hinder interpersonal communication skills?
● Should there be laws against using devices while driving?
● Do violent video games teach or encourage people to behave violently?
● Should social media sites be allowed to collect users’ data?
● Should parents limit how long their children spend in front of screens?
● Is AI helping or hurting society?
● Should cyber-bullying carry legal consequences?
● Should Supreme Court justices be elected?
● Is war always a political decision?
● Should people join a political party?
● Is capitalism ethical?
● Is the electoral college an effective system?
● Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
● Should the death penalty be legal?
● Are governments around the world doing enough to combat global warming?
● Is healthcare a fundamental human right?
● Should vaccinations be mandated for children?
● Are there any circumstances under which physician-assisted suicides should be legal?
● Should parents be able to choose specific genetic modifications of their future children?
● Should abortion be legal?
● Is it ethical to perform medical experiments on animals?
● Should patients who lead unhealthy lifestyles be denied organ transplants?
● Should doctors be able to provide medical care to children against their parents’ wishes?
Mental Healthcare
● What causes the stigma around mental health?
● Discuss the link between insufficient access to mental health services and the high suicide rates among veterans.
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● Should cannabis be used as a treatment for patients with mental disorders?
● Is there a link between social media use and mental disorders?
● Discuss the effect of physical activity on mental health.
● Should sports be segregated by gender?
● Should male and female athletes be given the same pay and opportunities?
● Are professional athletes overpaid?
● Should college athletes be paid?
● Should sports betting be legal?
● Should online access to art such as music be free?
● Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?
● Are there any circumstances under which books should be banned?
● Should schools be required to offer art courses?
● Is art necessary to society?
● Should schools require uniforms?
● Should reciting the Pledge of Allegiance be required in schools?
● Do standardized tests effectively measure intelligence?
● Should high school students take a gap year before pursuing higher education?
● Should higher education be free?
● Is there too much pressure on high school students to attend college?
● Are children better off in two-parent households?
● Should LGBTQ+ partners be allowed to adopt?
● Should single people be able to adopt children as easily as couples?
● Is it okay for parents to physically discipline their children?
● Does helicopter parenting help or hurt children?
● Should parents monitor their children’s Internet use?
Proofreading & Editing
An argument could also be made for the importance of proofreading your essay! The reader can focus more on your message when your writing is clear, concise, and error-free, and they won’t question whether you’re knowledgeable on the issues you’re presenting. Once you have a draft ready, you can submit a free trial document to start working with our expert editors!