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Three Online Writing Platforms for Professionals

​​Developing strong writing skills is important for professionals across all roles and industries. Producing writing...

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Content Writing vs. Copywriting—What’s the Difference?

The rise in global ecommerce has significantly changed the methods that businesses use to build...

3-minute read

“Yours From Afar”—A Guide to Email Sign-Offs in 2022

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been felt in many facets of our lives,...

5-minute read

How to Ask for a Promotion at Work by Email

Hoping for a promotion at work? Take the initiative and ask for it yourself! While...

4-minute read

5 Tips for More Productive Writing at Work

Regardless of your profession, there’s a good chance your job requires that you spend a...

7-minute read

25 Overused Words in Business Writing

If you write often, it’s easy to overuse certain words out of habit. But limiting...

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3-minute read

How to Write a SWOT Analysis

​​A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is a tool used for strategic planning....

3-minute read

5 Tips to Boost Your Career in 2022

The ever-changing professional landscape of 2021, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has highlighted the need...

5-minute read

How to Write a Great Press Release

A press release is an official announcement to journalists about newsworthy events or developments at...

3-minute read

6 Persuasive Writing Tips and Techniques

Persuasion is used to sell something, whether an idea, product, service, or request. So, a...

4-minute read

How to Write a Project Proposal

If you’ve got an idea for a project that’ll boost your business, you might be...

4-minute read

5 Tips for Writing a Backgrounder

A backgrounder, also known as a “fact sheet,” is a brief document that provides detailed...

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